New Roots Recovery and Counselling Services was founded by Jody Larsen. With 17 years of experience counselling focused on supporting individuals and families heal from trauma, addiction, and other distressing situations, Jody is committed to providing exceptional, confidential services through a diverse set of skills and therapeutic approaches. Jody is a Certified Trauma Professional, Canadian and internationally certified Addiction Counsellor, and holds a certificate in Animal Assisted Therapy.
With You Every Step of the Way...
Family Counselling and Support Services
Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT)

Jody helps clients through the stages of recovery from a variety of life difficulties and struggles in a relaxed, comfortable environment. Jody works with her clients to identify areas of treatment, set goals around recovery, and supports clients in address barriers to experiencing a deeper level of happiness. Indoors or outdoors, Jody aims to create a safe, client focused environment and experience in a rural based environment away from office buildings, computers, and the hustle and bustle of daily life.
All information pertaining to client communications, appointments, and records related to client services are confidential and legally cannot be disclosed without your written consent. There are exceptional limits to confidentiality and will be discussed with you during your initial session.
50 minute counselling session
Workshops - varies

Family Counselling Services
When one or more member of the family unit is struggling, it can have impacts on everyone around them. New Roots Recovery and Counselling Services is dedicated to supporting individuals and families through goal directed treatment sessions.
Moving on from a difficult situation can often feel like a devastating, impossible battle. New Roots aims to provide a confidential, safe, and empathetic approach to healing and recovery and we are dedicated to helping clients emerge and thrive as self-prioritizing, capable, and fiercely loyal to their own wants, needs and goals.
Therapeutic approaches and treatment plans are individually tailored around client’s and families' specific needs, with the belief that all people are capable and have individual strengths that can be an asset in the healing process. With dedication to recovery, many clients experience an increased freedom from confusion lack of direction, and feeling stagnant and afraid of repeating old habits and behaviors.

Personalized Attention, Personalized Approach
Animal Assisted Therapy takes counselling out of the traditional setting and into the outdoors. No screens, walls, or pressures. Jody has had a long-standing dream of incorporating animal and nature based therapeutic approaches in the journey of healing and recovery and am eager to increase awareness of the benefits of AAT.  Â
Our AAT program currently utilizes miniature horses as a primary therapeutic partner.Â
Horses are highly in tune with human emotion, and they invoke and reflect feelings back to us. Priority is placed on the human-animal bond in goal focused sessions. Our AAT program supports clients in addressing:Â
Relationship trauma, compulsive behaviors, family conflict, stress management, family of origin issues, impacts of abuseÂ
Using the miniature horses as teachers, Jody will support you in increasing self-awareness, learning new ways to relate to others, and increasing the possible value of personal healing, growth, and recovery.

New Roots Recovery is in the process of building exciting new therapeutic and educational workshop opportunities for Spring 2025. Workshops typically last 2 to 3 hours depending on the area of focus. Animal Assisted Therapy will at times be incorporated into aspects of the workshops as it is appropriate. Some exciting workshops currently in development are:
-Supporting Someone I Love Who is Struggling with a Weight Issue
-My Relationship with Food
-Putting Yourself First
-Addressing Self Sabotage
-Finding Your Future after Toxic Relationships
I love helping my clients develop the tools they need to cope with life’s challenges. Contact me today to learn more and book a session.
Services starting Spring 2025 in Brandon Manitoba and area.
Day, evening, and weekend sessions available
Brandon, MB